Millions are forced to leave their families and homes daily, facing displacement due to insecurity, conflicts and disasters.
We urgently need your help to provide lifesaving support and protection to those on the move.
Your contribution today is not just a donation; it is a lifeline to people in need.
Your donation matters
Your support can offer shelter and essentials as well as medical and psychosocial support to people in desperate need.
IOM, the UN Migration Agency, is among the first responders in any crisis, providing lifesaving assistance to families and individuals caught up in emergency situations worldwide.
No matter how small your donation may seem, it can change lives.
100% of your donation goes directly to helping vulnerable migrants and internally displaced individuals worldwide.
IOM supports migrants and displaced people across the world, implementing innovative solutions to address the ever-evolving challenges of crises. From conflict to climate change to human trafficking, our teams have leading expertise in the field of crisis response.
Hand in hand with our dedicated partners, we work to improve the resilience of people on the move so that migrants and displaced people, particularly those in situations of vulnerability, can rebuild their lives with dignity.
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